Show Product
One of my many responsibilities at ExactRail is to plan which products we bring to sell at shows. I try to bring what I hope will be the best fit for the show that we are attending. Sometimes I felt that I couldn’t have done better with the selections and then there have been times that I missed the mark.
During my initial preparations for a show, the first items I add to my list are products that we have most recently released. Next I look at the region that the show is located and make selections of freight cars and paint schemes that are appropriate. Not everyone attending a show wants products from that region. For example, at the last show we attended in Springfield, Massachusetts we had multiple customers come into our booth looking for Western Pacific items.
When I have the list of products, I then need to decide on the quantities. Shows that we have attended in the past are a little easier to know based on past sales. When we attend a show for the first time it can be a little more difficult.
The last step is to pull, package and ship the product out to the show location.
If there is a specific item that we have in stock that you would like to purchase at a show that we will be attending, please send an email to me and I will make sure I have it for you.
Happy Railroading,
Chris Brimley
9 Responses
Bill W.
Chris, I love the product. The quality and detail are astonishing, and all the cars I have are great rollers.
But I’m anxious and waiting for older, “period” stuff — ’40’s through late ’50’s boxcars.
I’m a SP/Cotton Belt fan, and I’ve purchased the 5200 SSW Boxcar in three numbers. But it sure would be great if you guys offered some 40 footers!
Oh, and I’d give my left arm for a SSW or SP period caboose!
Bill W.
Chris, I love the product. The quality and detail are astonishing, and all the cars I have are great rollers.
But I’m anxious and waiting for older, “period” stuff — ’40’s through late ’50’s boxcars.
I’m a SP/Cotton Belt fan, and I’ve purchased the 5277 SSW Boxcar in three numbers. But it sure would be great if you guys offered some 40 footers!
Oh, and I’d give my left arm for a SSW or SP period caboose!
Steven Berg
I model N-scale. More items in MIlwaukee Road and Northern Pacific would be on my wish list. The older style “yellow” Milwaukee hopper in N-scale would be nice.
Brian smith
Just keep up the fine quality because of your attention to detail you are the benchmark for all others
Rick F.
This is can be a hard question as each area is different that is for sure. Yes bring regional stuff and the newest items but I would bring a mix of everything else. Throw in a few road names of each model you have, maybe just 3 or 4 so that you can cover more that way. I live in an area where I dont model anything in the region and I have noticed that seems to be the case more and more as we are a more mobile society. I know this isnt much of an answer but I know for me, seeing the range of your products would be a draw and the hope of seeing something that fits my era would be a plus..RJ
I attended a Trainshow in Springfield Mo. at Remington’s a year ago. There was a lady from Colorado, who said she represented ER; and was an outstanding representative and knowledgeable source of information for the model railroaders in attendance. The last show of 2015, the Fall meet for the Ozarks Model RR Club, found her NOT in attendance. I wondered about her, and asked a key person in OMRR Club. He indicated that ER was not in attendance. I was very disappointed! What’s up?
Walt Huston
Chris, As far as I’m concerned you hit the product “nail” on the head. My wallet took a huge hit but my railroad is quite happy with its new covered hoppers and boxcars. Thank you.
your last blog asked for what might come “down the pike” next. a sure winner would be a Trinity 5200cf cylindrical. cover hopper in KCS black and yellow stripe colors. I know your competition has already been out there but they Sold Out over night and that was some time ago . Even my wife thinks it is a "pretty " railroad car and she is not a fan of model railroading. To Market, to market—— two bay 3281cf covered hopper—— they have fallen from favor to shippers and Fort Smith AR has become the “demurrage parking lot” of the SW.. They may become collectors items ? Covered Hoppers any size as they have been around for some time with most any “road name” —PRR, SLSF, UP, MP,GN, ATSF, even BN. that is way more than you wanted to “help go to Market” ! your long time customer, joseph irwin
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Carl Haake
March 27, 2016
When will you make another run of the pink breast cancer coal cars?